Simple Scrolling Marquee Registration Open for the Academic Year 2025-2026 - Registration Forms Available from 12th Feb 2025 (Admissions Closed for Grades I, II, and V)


                       Montfort School, Pondur(MSP) – Sriperumbudur  is managed by the Christian Religious Congregation of the Montfort Brothers of St. Gabriel known for their unique service in the field of education mission around the globe. Montfort school was established in the year 2016 and now nurturing more than 1077 students LKG to Grade – XI from all walks of life with 75 teaching and Non- teaching staff. Following the CBSE syllabus the school dedicates itself to the holistic development of the human person, Montfort steadily walks into achieve founder St.Montforts’s dream to be reality encouraging every child to discover God given talents who walks into the portal of learning.                                           Montfort School an architecturally impressive structure has got more than sufficient facilities to cater to the educational needs of the students. Well lit and ventilated classrooms situated in a serene and green surroundings.  Normally students are admitted in LKG classes only. Depending upon the vacancies available students are admitted in other classes after going through an entrance test  Montfort School provides Hi-tech facilities for the benefit of its students. Audio visual halls, school buses, mineral water, E-Library etc contributes to the effective and joyful learning experience.

Rev.Bro.Dr.Antony Samy Sg

Principal Desk

The aims and objectives of education must be a real one that makes every child to be unique in nature.It must create in a child enthusiasm that inspires the child to learn more for life.
 When we go into the core of life style of the society today, often we get a different picture altogether about education.

Investiture Ceremony - 2024

Thematic Presentations


“An athlete cannot run with money in his pockets. He must run with hope in his heart and dreams in his head.”

Annual Day

Formal Education will make you a living; Self-education will make you a Fortune


An investment in knowledge pays the best interest


“Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new.”

Teaching and Non Teaching Staff