School Motto & Logo
We Montfortians feel proud in upholding our school motto “IN GOD WE TRUST”, signifying that God our ultimate destiny, who holds the whole universe in His hands, is the anchor of our life.

The school logo metaphorically represents the Montfortian Vision of education
- LAMP: Attitudes for liberation from darkness of ignorance.
- DS: i.e. “DieuSeul” meaning GOD ALONE stands for the motto of St.Montfort whose inspiration, Montfort Brothers try to live and lead the young to the Divine reality of God.
- BOOKS: signify students’ quest for knowledge.
- HANDS: Teacher’s extended hand indicates his / her vocation to be a friend, philosopher and guide.
SG: stands for St.Gabriel, the official name of the Montfort Brothers’ Congregation
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The aims and objectives of education must be a real one that makes every child to be unique in nature.
It must create in a child enthusiasm that inspires the child to learn more for life. When we go into the core of life style of the society today, often we get a different picture altogether about education.